Agent Setup
  • 12 Dec 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Agent Setup

  • Dark

Article summary

After creating a sentry via the onboarding process you will need to properly configure the agent. An agent should be installed on your computer and it’s used to perform the scan.

Note, Redsentry takes a black box approach which means our agent will automatically find other hosts/devices on the network and it will attempt to scan them. This means if you're scanning your network you only need to install one agent which will be used to scan the entire CIDR range.

Before installing the agent make sure to have nmap installed on the host machine.


If an agent has not been set up and you click on your internal sentry it should bring you to a page as shown in the image below.

Make sure to download your agent and proceed to the next step. Note, if you select the windows agent make sure you're running windows 10.

After downloading the agent proceed to the setting page as shown in the image below. The setting page holds information about the current sentry and this is where you will locate your agents api/license key.

Each agent has its own license key. After navigating to the setting page scroll down to the bottom of the page and you should see a section called “Red Sentry Agent”. As shown in the image below your api/license key is displayed. Make sure to copy this value as you will need it in the next step.

After your api/license is downloaded you need to give it to the Redsentry agent running on your computer. To do that go into the agent downloaded earlier and edit the “config.json” file. As shown in the screenshot below you must copy your api/license key here.

After the key has been added to the config file you should be all set. 

The next step is to install the agent as a service. Note this only applies to windows users if your using linux you will have to run the agent manually or run it has a cronjob if you want it to continuously run. On windows you must install the agent as a windows service. To do so run the following commands in the command prompt(CMD):

  • Redsentry.exe --startup=auto install
  • Redsentry.exe start

Once the agent is installed you can verify it by navigating to the services window as shown in the image below. Make sure that the startup type is set to "Automatic" and the status is set to "Running".

After the agent is installed you should be good to go. If you navigate back to the Red Sentry UI and refresh the page you should see a blank dashboard with no data in it as shown below:

Make sure the setting page has the correct CIDR range and active directory information then press the scan button to initiate a scan of your network.

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