AWS Detailed Steps for User Credential Generation
  • 16 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

AWS Detailed Steps for User Credential Generation

  • Dark

Article summary


  1. Create Service Account
    1. Create AWS user ( Make sure to set the access type to programmatic access.

  2. Add Permissions
    1. Create a new group and add (ReadOnlyAccess and SecurityAudit) permissions. Next add the created service account to this group.
  3. Save the User Access Key and Secret Access Key 
    1. With this credential it should be possible to configure Red Sentry Cloud Sentry

In case new credential is needed follow the following steps to create new Access Key and Secret Access Key 

  1. Click on the config checker user within IAM. Then go to "Security Credentials". And click "create access key".

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